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The link to the grant site will be open on 10/1/24.
The deadline for the 2024-2025 grant cycle is 10/31/2024
The reception for the grants will be in January 2025
The link to the grant site is:

Any nonprofit organization that directly benefits Washington County, Ohio is encouraged to apply for funding. Note: MWL Grants are project-based. Funds will not be awarded for salaries or general operating expenses. General expenses would be anything permanent to a building or property. Multiple applications may be accepted from organizations for different projects. Partial funding of requests is possible. For application questions, email mwlgrants@gmail.com.
Some Past Grant Recipients

Please scroll through the images and click to read about past grant recipients.
For more information, email us at mwlgrants@gmail.com
Grant Recipients announced for 2023/2024
The Marietta Welfare League has been providing financial support to Washington County charities since 1926. To commemorate the 100 anniversary, the league had plans to reach the goal of $100,000 for the 2025/2026 grant cycle. But the success of the organization, and the need of the community, superseded that goal. For the 2023/2024 grant cycle, the league awarded over $112,000 to 32 local organizations to benefit children, food insecurity animals and community needs. Most of the funds given come directly from profits of The League Shop inside Marietta Memorial Hospital.
The League’s Finance and Grants Chairperson, Cathy Rees, organized the online requests, and the applications were meticulously reviewed by League members to assess which requests met the requirements and prioritize those by need.
“We love that we can help so many community members through grants to local nonprofit organizations,” said President Susie Warman.
The League hosted a lunch reception on January 23 for recipients to accept their grant checks. Representatives of most of the organizations receiving grants were in attendance. The reception is a highlight for League members. It is a great time to meet with representatives from the local groups, hear their stories of service, and really learn about how their work impacts community members.
The Marietta Welfare League is a nonprofit volunteer organization based in Washington County, Ohio. In addition to the Community Grants Program, the League facilitates the Shoe Tag Fund, which provides shoes for local children in need, as well as Music in the Park, a free summertime concert series.
The League is seeking new members who want to make a difference in the community. For more information on the group and how to become involved, please visit mariettawelfareleague.org.
2023/24 MWL Grant Recipients
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 389
American Red Cross of the Ohio River Valley
Artsbridge, Inc.
Belpre Area Ministries
Boys and Girls Club of Washington County
Caring Connection
Chuck Wagon Backpack Program
Community Food Initiatives
Daily Bread Kitchen
For Goodness Snakes 8 Rescue and Rehab Center
Friends of Sternwheel
Greater Marietta Community Food Pantry
Habitat for Humanity of the Mid-Ohio Valley
Harvest of Hope
Hervida 4-H Camp
Humane Society of the Ohio Valley
Marietta Community Foundation
Marietta Health System
Matamoras EMS
O’Neill Senior Center
Perfect Purpose Inc.
Pioneer Pilots
The Arc of the Mid-Ohio Valley
The Betsey Mills Club
The Gospel Mission
The Right Path
United Church Homes DBA Hamar Place Community
Wasco, Inc.
Washington Morgan Community Action
Washington State Community College
Zonta Club of the MOV